Meet Melissa & Karen

Sielo - Victoria

Sielo was brought to life by two sisters from Melbourne, Melissa Molina aged 35 and Karen Molina aged 30, who have a love for health and beauty. Originating from their native roots in South America, the sisters have always had a passion for using natural and high-quality products while actively avoiding harmful chemicals. Throughout the years, Melissa and Karen experimented with numerous products, yet consistently encountered the same questions: What am I applying to my skin, and what substances is my body absorbing through these products?

“Since childhood, I've suffered from eczema, attempting various remedies to alleviate my skin condition. Medical professionals often deemed my eczema untreatable and prescribed steroid creams as the primary solution. After years of relying on these treatments, I began to notice the detrimental effects of prolonged use and became more aware of their side effects. However, like many others, I felt at a loss for what to do next. It dawned on me that despite my efforts, I was blindly subjecting my body to countless chemicals without fully comprehending the long-term consequences.” – Co-founder, Karen Molina

“I have two young daughters, ages 2 and 4. When both of them showed sensitivity to skincare products, I became aware of the harmful chemicals in children's skin care. Additionally, after the birth of my second child, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease affecting the thyroid. This prompted specialists to caution me about being very careful with what I consume. Hashimoto’s completely changed my perspective, as I had previously considered myself healthy and active but hadn't realised the potential dangers of the beauty care products I was using. Disappointed with the quality of products available, my sister and I decided to create our own remedies. We educated ourselves, tested, and formulated products for our families, as we discovered that many market products contain water, preservatives, and harmful ingredients” – Co-founder, Melissa Molina

After years of trailing and perfecting formulas, Melissa and Karen were encouraged by their family and friends to start their own business as the products began to grow a little cult-like following amongst their inner circle.

Sielo takes pride in exclusively using naturally derived, high-quality ingredients free from any harmful chemicals. All our formulations are completely anhydrous, signifying that our products are entirely water-free. We have intentionally refrained from diluting our products with water or synthetic fillers. Instead, we have chosen to incorporate concentrated botanical ingredients to ensure you derive maximum benefits from your skincare routine.