Seller - Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to some of the common questions we receive

What is the Global Sisters Marketplace?
It’s an online marketplace where female business owners can sell their products, services and experiences. Sellers have access to a seller account allowing them to manage their own stores, list products, make changes, access insights and more.

What products can I sell?
Almost anything as long as you follow the attached Seller Standards

I don’t have a website, can I still be a part of the Marketplace?
Yes, you don’t need a website to be able to sell on the Global Sisters Marketplace.

What are the fees?
- No set up fee
- No monthly fee
- The commission per transaction - 7.3% plus $0.30 (1.2% Marketplace Technology, 1.1% + $0.30 Payment Gateway, 5% Global Sisters)

Moreover, we provide a complimentary Application Programming Interface (API) connection. If you're interested in integrating your existing online store, such as an active Shopify store, with our website, this option allows you to manage a single online platform at no cost.

How do I become a Seller?
Click here to start selling on the Marketplace.

What’s the eligibility criteria?
Women working towards financial independence who are unemployed, underemployed or in insecure work. Your business needs to be aligned with our values, which you can find here.

Every seller also needs to tick at least two of the following ethical attributes:

- Hand-made
- Australian-made
- Certified organic
- Recycled or up-cycled
- Vegan
- Social enterprise
- Indigenous
- Eco-packaging
- Natural materials
- Plastic-free

What are the steps to getting onto the Marketplace?
1- Fill out the registration form here.
2- Once your registration has been approved by the Marketplace team, sign the sellers agreement that will be sent to you by email via Adobe Sign.
3- The Marketplace team will give you access to your account once you have signed the agreement.
4- Follow the steps in this video to finalize your profile.
5- Start uploading your products, find a step by step guide on how to list your first product in this video.

We are here to help. Should you have any issues at all please contact us at

Is there a weblink I can use that will redirect customers to my Marketplace shop?
Yes, this is displayed on your Sister promo page and also your store profile page, you can access your direct link by clicking on your logo in your seller's dashboard.

Do I need to hold an ABN?
Yes, it is a requirement for all sister sellers to have an Australian Business Number (ABN) to initiate selling on our platform. You can apply for one online Here

Do I need to be registered for GST?
We recommend you do your own research and assessment on whether you should or shouldn't be registered for GST.
When deciding whether to register for GST, please refer to the ATO Guidelines about whether you should be registered for GST
You must register when your business or enterprise has a GST turnover (gross income minus GST) of $75,000 or more. You can register prior to reaching this threshold and we recommend seeking advice from an accountant as to what is the best option in your case.

Do I need Insurance?
Sellers should consider their own risk profile and consider obtaining advice as to what insurance coverage they should obtain in connection with the risks associated with selling on the Marketplace as Global Sisters does not provide any form of insurance coverage to Sellers using the Marketplace.

How many categories can I list my products under?
We recommend selecting at most 2 categories.

How many products can I list? There is no limit to how many products you can list. We recommend that you list all of your products. Make sure that you use high quality photos, a detailed description, short and clear titles to maximize your sell-through.

Will someone help get started on the Marketplace?
We have a team that will help you set up your seller account on the Marketplace and answer any questions that you may have.
You will be responsible for the overall management of your online store, including keeping your store up to date, adding new adverts, making changing, managing your inventory, shipping your products and more.
You will have access to a step by step guide to getting started as well as resources to help you find your way through the Marketplace.

What support do you provide in terms of Delivery and shipping?
Delivery is organized by the Seller, we ask that items are dispatched within 48 hours of the order being made. For more information see our Shipping & Delivery Policy

Who do I contact if I have any questions regarding the Marketplace?
Please email