Meet Murriyam

Murriyam Latafat - New South Wales

Murriyam Latafat is a Sydney-based artist who works primarily in watercolours. She is originally from Pakistan where she studied fine arts in her O and A Levels. She grew up loving art and has always enjoyed painting. She rediscovered her love for watercolours after the birth of her daughter when she got the urge to paint again. She found herself painting more and more during her daughter’s nap time. She found painting to be therapeutic and it brought her peace, joy and great personal satisfaction. Painting began as a hobby and there were ups and downs as she juggled between creating beautiful artwork and motherhood.

Even though it would get overwhelming at times, finding moments of peace where she could create magic with watercolours made her realize that this is what she wants to do and turn it into a blooming career. Her watercolour paintings are beautiful and delicate. Her inspiration comes from the world around her. She finds beauty and pleasure in simple everyday things – from botanicals and landscapes to everyday objects and hopes to convey the beauty of everyday life through her artworks. She recently discovered the wonders of native Australian flowers that are full of colour and vibrant beauty. Through both acrylics and watercolours, she has been exploring and enjoying the challenge of capturing and transferring their gorgeous colours and magnificence on paper.

Her goal is to develop a consistent art practice, create bodies of work that connect with the community and grow her brand.